Business development is aimed at realizing new opportunities. From product development, new revenue models, and marketing. It is the link between the supply (proposition) of the organization and the demand from the market. You are overflowing with ideas, but, for example, under the influence of the hectic day-to-day operations, these plans, unfortunately, remain too often and for too long unworked. Our goal is to stimulate long-term value development by defining new opportunities and accelerating the development into a feasible and financeable plan.
Our customers are located in various sectors and at various stages of development, from start-up to larger small and medium-sized businesses. We have experience with a wide variety of issues, each with its own dynamics and specific focus points.
Business Quickscan
The future of your company is central to our advice. And in line with the above quote, an entrepreneur can also become conditioned in his own environment and business operations. With our broad scan, we jointly try to increase insight into your own company. As an external specialist, we analyze, among other things, the legal structure, operational efficiency, and financial position in order to identify optimizations or risks. Our main goals are to improve the continuity, return, value development, and transferability of your company.
Growth strategy
A company, both a start-up and established company that wants to move forward, must continuously redefine and test its growth strategy. There are many different ways to achieve growth, both through current customers and by attracting new customers (including product development, market development, diversification). In addition to identifying market opportunities, we also help entrepreneurs translate these into clear actions.
Business model innovation
We are creative in thinking about the development of the value proposition and earnings model of your company. This may involve radically new product-market combinations, customer groups, or innovation on existing revenue models. Because we understand that an entrepreneur innovates based on his existing strength and that it must be built on further. Our external view, in combination with the financial foundation and network, can accelerate the development of your company.
Business plan development
A business plan translates the established business strategy into a clear statement of the company’s objectives for the coming years. In addition to the fact that a good and up-to-date business plan forms an important internal guideline in the day-to-day management of your company, it is often specifically aimed at identifying the capital need arising from your growth ambition and attracting potential financiers or investors for this. We can supplement or refine existing plans, or take care of the entire process.
Financial forecast & feasibility
The financial chapter of the business plan is a crucial part of both internal analysis and convincing financiers. Based on realistic assumptions and figures, we provide insight into the intended exploitation. Based on the prepared operating account, liquidity account, and balance sheet projections, we validate the business case and determine the capital requirement. Based on this capital requirement, we can provide appropriate financing with partners from our network.
Investment selection
As an entrepreneur, you are prepared to invest in a project or new activity, provided there is sufficient return on your investments. This required return in turn depends on the associated risks, the own capital structure as well as external factors such as the prevailing interest rate. It is important to thoroughly understand the proposition and to analyze the various investment options, possible scenarios, underlying assumptions, and the nature and impact of identified risks. Our starting point is to optimize the risk-return ratio for you in order to make the investment feasible and profitable.
Balance optimization
The balance sheet of each company provides a good picture of the efficiency of the use of the various business resources (assets) and the extent to which they are appropriately financed (liabilities). It is very important for companies to optimize the balance sheet ratios. This means in particular that the company has sufficient own (or subordinated) capital to meet the solvency requirements of lenders. Plus that the financing mix is tailored to the different types of assets that the company has. This is important for healthy liquidity ratios, for example. The options for balance sheet reduction should also be considered, as this generally improves balance sheet ratios and increases financing options.
No two companies or situations are the same, which means that the processes we carry out are by definition customized. We can make you a suitable proposal based on your specific case.
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- Digital Marketing
- Website Development
- Frontend & Full Stack
- App UX Design
- App UI Design
- Mobile App Development
- Web Designing Services
- Software Development
- Social Media Marketing & Social Media Optimization
- Search Engine Marketing & Search Engine Optimization
- E-commerce
- Mobile Applications
- Business Development
- UX / UI Design