There are many front-end development frameworks, but choosing the best is a difficult decision. Whenever you search Google for the best frontend frameworks, you will get a large list of frameworks. When choosing a framework, you should be aware of your project requirements as it will help you make the right decision. In addition to the needs, you need to focus on your development team as well as UI and UX.
The framework you choose should simplify the development process and provide the flexibility for developers to create an intuitive and excellent UI / UX. You should also ask the professional developers to choose the best framework for your development needs. The best frontend development environments help you maintain, update and test the apps easily.
Let’s take a look at the best 2021 frontend frameworks for web development:
1. Block
.block {}
A block is an independent building block of an application. An example of this is, for example, a search bar or button.
2. Element
.block__element {}
An element is part of a specific block. An example is the input field or button of the search bar. This element can only be seen in a specific block and is not used by itself.
2. Element
.block__element–modifier {} .block–modifier {}
Now we haven’t talked about the modifiers yet, this is a part that many people criticize because you have long and multiple class names in HTML this way. This may seem unclear at first. But once you understand BEM, you will quickly find that it actually helps to understand what is happening. A modifier is a variation on an existing block or element. You can adjust the look with a modifier. An example of this could be a different layout for a button. The modifier is added next to an existing block or element.